Downtown Vision
20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown
Roger Brooks is a guru on placemaking. He’s studied the differences between places that are thriving and places that are not, and his poster “The 20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown” hangs prodigiously in the offices of people making a difference in their community. As such, you should know about it. We should follow it. That’s what this page is for.
1. Razor Sharp Focus
Food, art, entertainment, antiques, wine, nightlife… Great downtowns have found that ‘one’ thing they can do like no one else does, and they’re all on board with being a part of it!
Minot Status: We’ve got our glasses on and we’re on the lookout for that one thing.
2. The Action Plan
Your t0-do list from A to Z. It takes a whole community to win.
Minot Status: We’ve done the planning, and we’ve got a lot of lists. Now we need to bring them together and get behind them. Our website and what you find here is evidence that this is coming together!
3. Critical Mass
10 eateries, 10 retail shops, 10 open after 6, in three blocks.
Minot Status: Our food and nightlife are leading the way, retail is following, but we’d benefit from a bit of added diversity. We’re not as open after 6:00 pm as we need to be!
4. Anchor Tenants
Shops, restaurants, activities people will travel for.
Minot Status: Our restaurant scene is close to qualifying as an anchor tenant, but we’d benefit from landing a big retail fish or wow-like attraction for sure. Until then, we’ll make kindness, community, and hospitality our anchor!